Mittagong AWS
NSW Australia

Location: 34.26S 150.27E 675m Asl

Date: Saturday, 27 July 2024
Local Time: 7:00:48 PM AEDT
Readings as of 17:20 AEDT on 7/6/10

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Weather Links
Snow Links
WM-918 Links
Bowral Weather Station  
Australian Weather NewsSnow Forecast - Snow and precipitaion chartsMods and Schematics Taralga - Weather and Snow Observations in Taralga in the Central Tablelands Weather Matrix
Current SST's Blackheath Weather - Weather and Snow observations at Blackheath in the Blue Mountains  
SOI Summary Sno-Info- Ski Conditions and Snocams for the Australian Alps  
SMS - Snow depth Charts  
Bureau of Meteorology All About Snow  
Lindsay Knowles
Snow Making
Weather Models
Weather Models (cont) 
C.W.S Snowmaking TechnologiesNOAA Data Servers/GFS/MRFWetterzentrale/JMA
Eric & Leo's Snowmaking PageFNMOC/NOGAPSWetterzentrale/GFS
Make a snow GunECMWF  
Snow At HomeCOLA/AVN 
The Home SnowmakerFNMOC/GFS 
How Snow Makers WorkUnisys/MRF 9 Panel 
Backyard BlizzardUnisys/AVN